tracking and reporting 2018-10-02T17:46:42+00:00

Real-Time Tracking & Reporting

Track your email performance in real-time via Inboxify API log and analytics dashboard.
View and filter transactional email reports by opens, clicks, bounces,
complaints and unsubscribed recipients.

Device & Geo Location Reporting

Use real-time transactional email reports on device, browser and geo location of your users to improve your email content and get the maximum results.

Track how many of your users have opened and clicked your transactional emails on desktop PC’s and mobile devices, which browsers are used most frequently, and which countries are the most active and engaged customers from.

Email Tagging

Create email tags to easily track and measure performance of particular transactional email types.

Welcome message, payment confirmation, shopping cart abandonment, shipment tracking or e-bill – transactional email tracking by different email types allows you to see which messages are working the best and where improvements are needed.

Custom Reports

Design customized transactional email reports based on timeframe, sender information, opens, clicks and bounces.

Whether it’s a result of a single email type or a specific period of time including all transactional messages – you can create your own Inboxify report with exact information that you need to measure the success of your transactional emails.

Improved Results

Benefit of powerful real-time statistics, industry leading delivery rates, and robust cloud infrastructure to optimize your transactional emails.